Usefull information before leaving:
- Romanian Champion diplomas, Junior Champion and Veteran Champion will be available at the general secretary for the equivalent of 30€
- Galla Dinner will be held at Double Tree by Hylton Hotel in Laurus Restaurant Hall. Within the available seats you will be able to purchase entrance tickets from the general secretary.
- the entrance ticket/bracelet for Atibox is 5€/day or 20lei/day The owner with more than 2 dogs will benefit of 2 entrance bracelets, the other participants are requested to buy entrance tickets/bracelets.
- Parking fee is 5€/ 20 lei/ car
- For Year Championship/ Jahressieger (Only for Jahressieger) the show numbers will be available to competitors based on a returnable fee of 50 lei/number or 10€/number, if at the end of the show the numbers are returned undamaged. If you wish, it is possible to keep the show number as a souvenir, at the price of the fee.
Informatii utile înainte plecare
- Diplome Campion Romania, Campion Junior si Campion Vateran se vor putea ridica de la secretariatul general la contravaloarea de 30 de euro.
- Galla Diner este organizata la Hotel Double Three by Hilton în sala Laurus Restaurant,
În limita locurilor disponibile se pot achizitiona tichete de intrare la secretariatul general
- Biletul/Brațara de intrare pentru la ATIBOX este de 5 eur/zi sau 20 lei/zi
Proprietarul cu mai mult de doi caini va abeneficia de 2 brățări de intrare , resul participantilor sunt rugati sa-și achizitioneze bilet/brățara de intrare.
- Parcarea este de 5 euro / 20 lei/masina
- Pentru Campionatul de an / Jahressieger numerele de concurs (numai pentru jahressieger) sunt puse la dispozitia concurentilor in baza unei garantii returnabile de 50 ron/nr 10 euro/nr; la finalul expozitiei vestele returnandu-se nedeteriorate. Daca se doreste, este posibila pastrarea numarului de concurs ca souvenir, la pretul garantiei.